
AC Fan

Video – The Importance of Air Conditioner Maintenance

March 23, 2021

The best time of year to have your AC serviced is spring, even if you reside in a locale with pretty warm weather all year long.

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Is HVAC Preventative Maintenance Worth It?

March 16, 2021

At Quality Heating and Cooling, we know what an investment your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is in your home. That’s why time and time again we recommend regular preventative maintenance on all your HVAC units. You need to invest in your investment.

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What Does AFUE Mean?

What Does AFUE Mean?

February 28, 2021

While an air conditioner’s efficiency is measured by its SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating, an electric or gas- or oil-fired furnace’s efficiency is measured by its AFUE, or average fuel utilization efficiency. This standard measurement is given in percentages, letting you know how much of your fuel is actually used to heat your Idaho home and how much fuel is wasted.

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video - which indoor air quality equipment should I install?

Video – Which Air Quality Equipment Should I Install?

February 15, 2021

Indoor air quality is on everyone’s mind but how do you know what equipment is right for your home?

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Grandson and Grandparents Drinking Hot Chocolate

Why Is My Furnace Filter Soggy?

January 15, 2021

You have just inspected your air filter, only to find it is sopping wet! Thoughts begin to race through your head, and you ask yourself, Is my furnace breaking down? or Is this going to be expensive to repair? Fortunately, there is no need for panic.

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what is carbon monoxide?

Video – What Is Carbon Monoxide?

December 31, 2020

Carbon monoxide is a poisonous, odorless, tasteless gas. It is formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon, or the incomplete burning of natural gas and other things that contain carbon. It can often be mixed with other gasses with odors. Carbon monoxide can result from the burning of any of these, gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane, coal, wood and other things. It is also a byproduct of an internal combustion engine.

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woman with coffee mug near window

Why You Need Whole-House Humidity Control

December 16, 2020

Everyone knows temperature plays an important role in comfort. When the weather gets chilly, you automatically adjust your furnace or heating system. And the air conditioner tends to be center stage in the heat of the summer. However, it’s important to realize humidity levels play just as much of a leading role in your Idaho home.

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What Is Short Cycling?

December 14, 2020

Short cycling is a term used in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) world to explain a situation where a furnace or air conditioner turns on and off too frequently. The “short cycle” is the period of time that your HVAC equipment is actually running, and the shorter this cycle, the harder your system needs to work.

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Shocked senior man looking at his bills in disbelief

Video – Have Your Utility Bills Jumped?

November 30, 2020

Have your utility bills suddenly jumped? It could be your heating and cooling system.

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Why is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

November 24, 2020

Did you finally turn your furnace on this winter only to have cold air blowing out of your vents? Or did your furnace stop working just when you started to need it most? There are a few reasons your furnace may be blowing cold air, and there a few things to check before you need to worry too much.

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